Saturday, February 26, 2011

APD Set - Tort Fort confirmed March 11/12

Paws and Torto say "Come to this APD, it'll be Grrrrrrreat!

Its official - the Tort Fort is open for use the weekend of March 11th.

Let's plan on a Friday afternoon/evening arrival, as many games as we can cram in that night, then broomball Saturday AM (ice permitting), and afternoon games as folks see fit.  I'll leave it to the commish to develop our schedule.

Of course, Big Ten Tourney games will be mixed in throughout.


  1. It would be a lot cooler if that Cat's name was Stripes. I think I can make it - let me verify with the boss.

  2. I'm in and want to play a ton of games.

  3. Hope you guys can make it. Time to make up some ground Spence...

  4. I'm in (Friday arrival around 6pm) and looking forward to it. Fish/Spence - bring our damn series scoresheets!!!!

    Man, is Rondell White black.


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